December 17, 2011

Eagle Court of Honor

Here are the Pictures from the Eagle Court of Honor for Daniel Kohl, Stephen Martin, and Donald Van Hook.
Congratulations to our new Eagle Scouts!

The new Eagle Scouts started off by discussing their Eagle Service projects, one of the most challenging requirements for achieving the rank of Eagle.


Then the fathers of each of the scouts came up and put in their share of encouragements, challenges, and embarrassing stories. :)

The scouts sat pondering over these wise words.

The Scoutmaster then took the stage and presented the scouts with their Eagle Neckerchiefs, a symbol of their accomplishment. The scouts then recited the Eagle Scout Promise, a statement of their loyalty to the Scout community and the scout morals and skills that have been established in their lives. 

The night continued with several more ceremonies including the moving of the scout's name up the "rank ladder" to join the other Eagle scouts who have made it in the past years and the presenting of the father and mentor pins by the Eagle scouts, an expression of thanks by the eagles to those people who have helped push them along to make them the prepared men they are today.



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