June 18, 2013

King's Campout

We went on a camp out to King's Academy and had lots of fun. We biked around campus and had some fun in the rain. The order of the arrow did some secret initiation called the ordeal. While they did that the rest of troop 806 cooked food, played soccer, rode our bikes and had some good fun by the fire. This was the last camp out for this 202-2013 scouting year. We all enjoyed it and had fun with the scouting program.

May 7, 2013

5 day backpacking trip

A small group of troop 806 scouts went on a five day backpacking trip from Wadi (valley) Dana to Mini Petra. We started off walking through the Dana valley and slept near a bedoin camp. The next morning we woke up, packed up and hiked 10 kilometers into the rocky desert and slept at a small water source. The third day we hiked up a mountain and slept on top of it, this day was the hardest because it was all uphill. The fourth day of our backpacking excursion we hiked through the mountains and ended up sleeping in a tiny valley near wadi hassah. The fifth day we went to petra, ate lunch there and drove home.
Sleeping on top of a mountain on the third day

Walking through wadi dana

Climbing trees after eating lunch

Hiking up a mountain on the third day

Walking through the valley

April 11, 2013


The day of the race 30 minutes before it's start.

This year troop 806 ran the annual Dead2Red relay race, you start the race at approximately 4 o'clock in the after noon at the wadi mujib bridge, and finish the next day in Aqaba. Our Scout/A.C.S. team came in 11 place at 17.5 hours. We ran through the night on the dead sea highway. When we got to Aqaba we were tired, physically soar and proud to succeed. Even though we had a few drop outs near the end our team had the Will to Succeed and pulled it off. We rested all day and then came to the Dead2red Banquet where they hand out awards such as youngest team, oldest runner, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams. Even though we didn't win any awards  we were glad that we finished the race in the top 20.
The Day after the race at the Banquet

Eagle Court of Honor

Another one of troop 806's scout has achieved the glorious rank of Eagle. There are many things that describe an eagle scout, one is leadership, and another is responsibility. Eagle scouts need the responsibility to lead other scouts, and guide them so they too could achieve the rank of eagle. Tenderfoot one day Eagle Scout the next, it takes hard work and commitment to work your way up the ranks of the Boy Scouts of America.

March 18, 2013


Walking down the mountain
The beautiful scenery was overwhleming

Troop 806 has offered a new merit badge.... Backpacking. The 5 people that joined went on a 2 night trip in the Sharhabil bin Hussein Eco Park (S.H.E.). We spent the first night in the camp of the eco park and backpacked about 8 kilometers. The next day we moved on to our next destination and walked through the mountains and farmland to a farm that we camped at.

February 24, 2013

Eagle Scout Leaving

This week a fellow scout will be leaving troop 806 due to his age. He has achieved the rank of Eagle scout and is ready to move on. We will thank him for his participation in the Boy Scouts of America program.

February 6, 2013

Iraq Al-Amir Hike

Today we went on a hike to Iraq Al-Amir. We started the hike in Wadi Seer near Amman. It took us the better part of 5 hours to finish a 10 mile hike. If we hadn't missed the turn off we would have only hiked 9 and a half miles. When we walked we were exposed to the beautiful nature Jordan has to offer. We walked for about an hour in the fog, then it cleared up and we walked with great enthusiasm. Here are some photos from the hike.

This Picture Summarizes the places we visited and the things we ate.