April 7, 2011

Wadi Rum - 18-19 Feb 2011 - Cooking and Hiking

Manning the pots

How many scout leaders does it take to cook dinner?

getting ready for a 10 mile hike

All right!  Let's get going!

Lot's of camel tracks

Mr "M" helping a scout pass off requirements

strung out across the desert


Wadi Rum - 18-19 Feb 2011 - Arriving and Setting up camp

Most of us went down in Busses. We are grateful to unload after a 3 1/2 hour trip

Grabbing equipment and maybe a quick snack

It took 2 busses and a truck to get everything down to Wadi Rum

Here is the turn off to our campsite.... actually just outside of the main Wadi

Hey Stephen, What's up?

an instant tent city, complete with fire pits, charcoal chimney's and dutch ovens

Can Mr "K" , one of our helpful dads get that fire started?  Come on, Christian!  Fan harder!

Another view of the tent city

April 5, 2011

Rumaan Forest Camp out - 10-11 Nov 2010

 On this campout we concentrated on cooking.  Our troop had just received a number of new dutch ovens and our instructions for this campout, was "NO CHEATER FOODS".  We had to plan menu's where we did real cooking.  It was a new experience for some of us.  We mostly made beef stew.  It's hard to mess up and generally tastes good.
 Each patrol was in charge of their own food.  Here you can see guys chopping up and preparing food for their stew.
cutting up carrots

 One of our bigger campfires.
someone is telling a good story
 a new day, a new meal.  Looks like one guy is cooking and everyone else is looking.
 Isn't it about done yet?  It smells wonderful on an empty stomach!
MASS MURDER!!!...... Oh, wait, it's a ten mile hike.  We are taking a short rest at about the half way point.  Mr LL & Mr D just about killed us all!